Friday, June 6, 2008

Seattle, Pioneer Square, First Thursday Art Walk

The Artchival team had a fabulous time at Seattle's First Thursday. This was are debut in town and we were received with open arms and enthusiasm. Thank you everyone who I worked with last night and know that we are busy editing footage and will be in touch shortly.

I found that place last night. I was so happy and excited documenting our local art scene. What excites me even more is the capability to share it with the rest of the world. A believer that art makes the world a better place providing an avenue to share it with those who are not able to access it is an honor.

I have spent the better part of my career exploring the different art scenes throughout America and have seen how different and wonderful every cities scene is and there are so many incredible and talented artists working all over. That sharing their work with each other I believe will only make artists and their art work that much stronger.

It has been my dream for a long time to travel the world as an explorer searching for emerging artists and then bringing them back to share with my friends in Seattle. Well, thank you technology that dream is becoming a reality. I have never known how this fantasy would unfold nor do I know the course and direction that it will take me. But, I do know that this adventure is revving up for very exciting times.

I do hope you enjoy this little blog and check it regularly as I will be very busy spending the rest of my life filling it with content and more content and more content.
