Sunday, June 22, 2008

My page of city arts. . . .

This is the page that I designed for the July Launch issue of Seattle City Arts.  I am currently working on a full spread for August so keep your eye out for this hot second issue. I am not sure who is reading this non-sensical no-non-sense. 

But, for those of you who wear many hats in your scrappy company. The Blog has just become my new best friend thank you google and blogger. Of the many hats I wear the most contrasting are that of designer and copywriter. Talk about a spin on the left brain right brain, let's try using our entire brain. There is a great concept. 

It has recently been explained to me how my best qualities are wrapped right up with my worst qualities. Ain't that the shist of it. . . . . .  So here is my little rant to warm up my writing brain for what will be in the August issue of City arts. . . . the for shiznat get rid of and expunge the R.A.P. out of my written literary tongue. Fo-sure. . . . .  n don't yoo forgat fo-realz-y.