Friday, June 13, 2008

Artificial Intelligence

Being one of the youngest of the Gen Xer's and the oldest of the Y Generation. What I have come to realize is that I am the first to have grown up with a personal computer since IBM released them to the masses. I was about five years old and my game of choice was Frogger

This Red screen is a photo I captured with the camera on my I-Phone. The intended image was of a poster in a coffee shop that I found quite appealing. However apparently my I-phone or as I like to explain to people my pocket computer decided to state his personal opinion. 

I love this picture as I feel that it is my I-phone attempting to express himself. Much like that of a two year old who is still learning to color with his box of 64 magical colors of crayola crayons. 

I often explain to people who have issue with their computers that perhaps if they treated their computer more like a person they would get better results. I have other examples of my computers doing what I would consider above the call of duty computing. IE - the computer performs a task without any instruction from me and it is helpful. The equivalent is if my pet cat started doing the dishes while I was at work.